Our Ignorance is their Power. Fight Power Not People

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Joe Biden Rips GOP On Iraq War Resolution

Watch this til the end. Couldn't have said it better myself!

Community college tuition going up

Middletown – If you are a student at Orange County Community College, you are going to be paying more for tuition in the fall 2007 and spring 2008 semesters.

The college Board of Trustees Monday evening voted to increase tuition by $100 year from $3,000 to $3,100. Of the 30 community colleges in New York, tuition at OCCC is about midway in the range of charges, said college spokesman Vincent Cazzetta.

The board also approved a new fee schedule with some remaining the same while others will be increased.

--Taken from MidhudsonNews.com

Friday, March 09, 2007

FOX news is finally being put in it's place!

This just goes to show that you can't get away with talking sh*t and calling yourself "Fair and Balanced" forever.

The Huffington Post can confirm that the Nevada Democratic Party has decided to back out of a Fox News-sponsored presidential debate in August following Fox President Roger Ailes's recent remarks comparing Democratic Senator Barack Obama to al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. Click for the rest of the Article

Right-Wing Hipocracy is Rampant

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich acknowledged he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

The rest of the article is here at HuffPost

A heart-wrenching letter from a Military Spouse

- It is the soldiers, their families, and the people of Iraq that pay the human costs. The tab so far: more than 3,000 dead U.S. troops, tens of thousands of wounded, over half a million Iraqi casualties, roughly 250,000 American servicemen and women struggling with PTSD, and almost 60,000 military marriages that have been broken by this war. - Stacy Bannerman a member of Military Families Speak Out, www.mfso.org.
Please, click here to read the entire letter - Broken by This War

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Secret Ballot In Name Only

Here's a good description of the problem Jose posted about earlier

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Reporter Secured!

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know that while i was putting up fliers at Port Java, i met a reporter for the Times Herald who agreed to come to our screening!

Watch out world, here comes SPAC!

Scooter Libby Guilty 4 of 5 counts

The Speaker's Reaction
"Today’s guilty verdicts are not solely about the acts of one individual.
This trial provided a troubling picture of the inner workings of the Bush Administration. The testimony unmistakably revealed – at the highest levels of the Bush Administration – a callous disregard in handling sensitive national security information and a disposition to smear critics of the war in Iraq."

For the story - click here

Privatization adds Insult to Injury (literaly) for our Wounded Vets

I'm sure by now everyone is well aware of the situation our wounded Vets are facing at Walter Reed. It's so sad, it really is all about money...
How one can agree with the way Mr. Bush is handling things is beyond me.

From TomPaine.com :
The entire situation is a remarkable illustration of how the federal government has become a vehicle for the promotion of private interests. The zeal with which large contracts are awarded to a small universe of companies, with little attention paid to performance, suggests that outsourcing is less an effort to improve efficiency and more a matter of enriching those with the right connections.

But this time the privatization game may have backfired in the face of the Bush administration and its friends in the corporate world. It is one thing to screw workers—unfortunately, that’s now considered business as usual—but in the case of Walter Reed the ultimate victims are a much more revered group. The stark evidence that the Bush Administration, for all its rhetoric about supporting the troops, is much more interested in supporting the contractors, could be leading to a political earthquake.
Entire Article

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Free Class- Open to everyone (should be mandatory)

This is a great source to get educated on the situation in Iraq. Knowledge is power. If you have an opinion on Iraq- and EVERYONE has an opinion on Iraq- then you should do yourself a favor and view this site. Tell your opinionated friends to check it out as well.

Roy Paul's speaking up...

Roy Paul sent a letter to the opinion section of the Times Herald, it's a great piece:

Students are the future of America. We are so concerned about the very real need to get a job and make money, it seems no one has the time to think of global affairs until a war breaks out or we are terrorized upon our own soil. Are we more concerned with what film to see on Friday night?

Politics isn't a cool topic to discuss at the cafeteria lunch table. Maybe, just maybe, it's because politics requires you to think and then think some more. In any event, young adults are not being challenged to get involved in the political process or to be aware of issues that in some way or another affect the way they live their lives. Click for Roy's full article

Sending letters to the newspaper is a great way to spread ideas and get your voice heard. And it's a relatively easy thing to do. Thanks Roy!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Today in Iraq

Good Day everyone!

Came across this blog in my travels. They seem to provide some pretty eye opening and accurate information with regards to the war in Iraq. Also, it's got some great maps. Definitely worth checking out. Cheers!

Today in Iraq

Stop Bush from escalating into Iran!

Good Day everyone!

I just signed a petition to ask Congress to demand President Bush seek congressional authorization before considering military action in Iran. President Bush is out of control, and we have to stop the war in Iraq from escalating into a regional crisis. Congress can do this, but they need to hear from us.

Please sign the petition!



Saturday, March 03, 2007

John Amaechi on Ann Coulter's Anti-gay slur

I'm not one to recomend paying attention to anything this hateful woman says, but if you haven't seen her remarks on John Edwards, you should.
Coulter calling Edwards the 'F Word'. (The other F word)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

SPAC Movie Night

Movie presentation:

I know I’m not Alone

Musician and activist Michael Franti's documentary on his mission of peace in the Middle East.

Bio Tech 207 -March 8th, 2007- 7 pm

Student Political Awareness Club

“Our Ignorance is their power” - Inform yourself!

Free. Fun. Enlightening.