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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Privatization adds Insult to Injury (literaly) for our Wounded Vets

I'm sure by now everyone is well aware of the situation our wounded Vets are facing at Walter Reed. It's so sad, it really is all about money...
How one can agree with the way Mr. Bush is handling things is beyond me.

From TomPaine.com :
The entire situation is a remarkable illustration of how the federal government has become a vehicle for the promotion of private interests. The zeal with which large contracts are awarded to a small universe of companies, with little attention paid to performance, suggests that outsourcing is less an effort to improve efficiency and more a matter of enriching those with the right connections.

But this time the privatization game may have backfired in the face of the Bush administration and its friends in the corporate world. It is one thing to screw workers—unfortunately, that’s now considered business as usual—but in the case of Walter Reed the ultimate victims are a much more revered group. The stark evidence that the Bush Administration, for all its rhetoric about supporting the troops, is much more interested in supporting the contractors, could be leading to a political earthquake.
Entire Article

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